Sunday June 19_Monotypes

Here’s a few photos of the latest monotype printmaking workshop: making a plate, pulling a print, and the results.

Voici quelques photos du dernier stage de monotypes: encrage de la plaque, tirage sur la presse, et les résultats:



A good day’s work from Evelyne Picard and Marie-Christine Mallen.

Une bonne journée de travail par Evelyne Picard et Marie-Christine Mallen.


New monotype workshops coming up soon. Stay in touch.

Nouveau stages seront proposer. A bientôt.







Drawing Studio meets in the Garden

Sketching in the Jardin Noir, a part of the Parc André Citroën in Paris’ 15th quarter.


Kay Holmes_Drawing Studio_2016


Back in the studio, drawings in charcoal, ink wash, ink, pastel and acrylic paint on prepared paper.



Highlighting with white chalk and pastel.


Brushing in details and shadows with ink wash.



Yesterday drawing the Medicis fountain at the Jardin de Luxembourg:





Kay Holmes pencil drawing (in progress)…



Darah Odelson with her sketchbook. She’s returning to the States this summer. We will miss her and her fine drawings.



Darah Odelson’s pen and ink drawing retouched with light grey marker.
